Saturday, August 11, 2012

How to fry a turkey

How to fry a turkey

This is a recipe for frying a turkey. This is something I learned from my family in Louisiana. I think it tastes better than baking, and it's quite a bit faster as well!

Step 1Ingredients

Turkey Kit-L_.jpg
butterball.jpgOil 1gal-SM.jpggas_tank.jpg
Ingredients and special tools:

1. Turkey

2. Turkey Frier

3. Oil (I use peanut oil but other oils would work)

4. Fuel for fryer (ussally propane)

5. Thermometer

Step 2Heat Oil

1. Fill fryer no more than two thirds full with oil. Anymore than two thirds, and you risk the over flow of oil as well and a huge grease fire. You just need enough oil to submerge the turkey entirely.

2. Heat oil to about 325 degress Farhenheit.

Step 3Prepare Turkey and place in frier

Prepare turkey however you wish. Injection marinades are recommended. Most friers come with a tukery holder that holds the turkey in the frier, so place the turkey on that.

When oil is up to tempature, CAREFULLY place the turkey in the frier. This is when alot of people catch on fire, so just be mindfull of the oil level.

Cook for three minutes per pound.

Step 4Voila!

After the turkey is done cooking, remove from the frier and let the oil drain for a few minutes. I would turn off the flame first to prevent a grease fire.

Save the used oil as it can be filtered and used again, or perhaps for fueling some cars.

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