Saturday, August 11, 2012

How To Make Sorbetes (Home-made Ice Cream)

How To Make Sorbetes (Home-made Ice Cream)

Sorbetes is a Filipino version for common ice cream usually peddled from carts that roam streets in the Philippines. This should not be confused with the known sorbet. It is also commonly called ‘dirty ice cream’ because it is sold along the streets exposing it to pollution and that the factory where it comes from is usually unknown; though it is not really “dirty” as the name implies. It is usually served with small wafer or sugar cones and recently, bread buns.
You can make ice cream in various recycled packaging materials, such as coffee cans, zip-lock bags, and stainless steel containers. Whatever container and method you use though, it’s important to take note of the temperature of the ice cream all throughout the process, particularly during chilling and freezing.
There are five stages in making ice cream: preparation, scalding, chilling, first freezing, and final freezing. In the preparation stage, you need to measure the required ingredients and put them in individual containers.
Materials Needed:

  • Bowls Casserole Grater
  • Large whisk
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Pocket-type thermometer
  • Steel paddle
  • Sieve screen
  • Stainless steel container
  • Weighing scale
  • Wooden bucket
  • Wooden ladle
Ingredients (4 Gallons Yield):
  • 1 kg White sugar
  • 1/2 kg Skimmed milk
  • 1/2 kg Butter milk powder
  • 600 g Cassava flour
  • 2 leaves Pandan
  • 7 kg Table salt
  • 4 pcs Egg yolks
  • 2 cans 300ml Condensed milk
  • 1 can 300g Cream
  • 1/2 bar Cheese
  • 1 kg Grated coconut
  • 2 tbsp food color (egg yellow)
  • 3 tbsp Vanilla
  • 7 tsp or 34.5ml rhum or brandy
  • 1/4 ice block
1. Preparation
  1. Once all the ingredients are ready, extract coconut milk from the grated coconut using 4 cups of water. This will be your first extraction-a substance that’s called kakang gata in Filipino. Set it aside.
  2. Extract more coconut milk from the same grated coconut, this time using 8 cups of water. To remove the coconut bits from it, don’t forget to filter the coconut milk after the extraction. Set the second extraction aside likewise.
  3. Get the eggs and separate the white from the yolk. Beat the egg yolks, then mix them with the second extraction of coconut milk.
  4. Once the mixture is blended well, slowly add the skimmed milk and the buttermilk powder while mixing the mixture with a whisk. Some ice-cream makers use either skimmed milk or buttermilk powder, but if you want to make your ice cream a bit more special, you can mix the two powders. You just need to maintain the required 1-to-1 proportion.
  5. After blending the mixture, set it aside. (Mixing milk and egg gives rise to custard.)
  6. Get the cassava flour and dissolve it in 2 cups of water. Once the cassava flour is completely dissolved, filter it using a sieve or cheesecloth. Also set aside.
  7. Get the stainless steel container and prepare it to hold the cream mixture.
  8. Spread 1/4 kg of white sugar at the bottom of the stainless steel container to avoid unnecessary coagulation of the cream.
2. Scalding
  1. Scalding helps dissolve the sugar, infuses the other flavors evenly, and improves the texture; it makes the ice cream creamier and smoother.
  2. Start the scalding process by boiling a gallon of water containing twisted pandan leaves for 5 minutes.
  3. Dissolve the food color in water.
  4. After boiling the water, take out the pandan leaves and pour the water into the stainless steel container.
  5. Also pour in the cassava flour mixture and, using the steel paddle, continuously stir until the sugar dissolves and the mixture achieves a viscous (thick) consistency.
  6. Add the kakang gata as you continuously stir the mixture.
  7. Also pour in the custard mixture and continuously stir until it attains a paste-like viscosity. Then add the dissolved food color.
  8. Once you achieve the right viscosity, you can start chilling your ice cream mixture.
3. Chilling
To chill the mixture, cover the stainless-steel container and put crushed ice in the wooden bucket. The ice should surround the stainless-steel container and above the level of the mixture inside the container. The chilling stage will only start when the temperature of the mixture reaches 4°C to 0°C. Chill for 2 hours or overnight.
While waiting for the ice cream to be chilled, prepare the flavoring. For this project, we will make mango marmalade.
  1. Put 1 1/2 kg minced ripe mango in a casserole together with 1/2 cup white sugar and a teaspoon of calamansi extract.
  2. Simmer in medium to low fire until the mango mix becomes a thick syrup.
  3. Stir the marmalade to avoid scorching.
  4. After cooking, let the marmalade cool.
4. First Freezing
After chilling the ice cream overnight, you can now freeze it by putting more ice in the wooden bucket. You need to put the crushed ice and the rock salt alternately. Using the paddle, compact the ice and the salt each time you put in more ice. Compacting lessens the air gaps that cause the ice to melt faster.
During the first freezing stage, the temperature should further drop to -18°C to -20°C. While freezing the ice cream, paddle the outer part of the mixture to prevent the frozen mixture from adhering to the sides before it can be stirred. The stirring process allows the cream mixture to expand.
While still in the freezing stage, get the steel handbeater and start stirring the cream to let it expand. Once it expands to half of the container, mix in the following while continuously stirring the cream mixture:
  1. 3/4 kg of white sugar together with the grated cheese, mango marmalade, condensed milk, cream, and vanilla.
  2. Add crushed ice and salt to the wooden bucket whenever necessary.
  3. As you stir the cream mixture, you will notice that the consistency will become thicker and creamier. You will also notice that it is expanding.
  4. Once the cream expands up to the brim of the container, add the rhum or brandy.
  5. Make sure to stir the mixture down to the bottom to distribute the flavor and the other ingredients evenly.
  6. Taste the cream.
5. Final Freezing
At this stage, you may now pack the ice cream in small containers like pint containers, small cups, half-gallon or gallon containers, and freeze the cream in these containers. Or you may simply put the ice cream in the stainless steel container for final freezing. During the final freezing stage, you need to cover the container tightly and add more crushed ice and salt in the bucket as well as on top of the container. Let it stay for 2 hours or until frozen.
Now your ice cream is ready for consumption. Keep it frozen until it is ready for serving. The shelf life of this ice cream product is 7 to 10 days, depending on temperature fluctuations. If you can maintain the temperature between -18°C and-25°C, the shelf life of the ice cream would be longer and the quality would be better.

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